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@ Oxford Internet Institute

I (Wybo) have just been admitted to the MSc in Social Science of the Internet at the Oxford Internet Institute. For my masters thesis there I hope to do empirical research into the appearance of critical mass in hypertext-related web-applications.

There are a lot of conceptualizations of critical mass, but the simplest one is the minimum number of active users that a web-application needs to provide sufficient network-effects to make it worthwhile for new visitors to join.

It should not be hard to find out what first inspired me to look into this topic, and I will indeed use it in support of LogiLogi, but it foremostly is an academically fascinating, and very relevant topic in itself.

Most collaborative web-applications fail due to problems with critical mass. Critical mass is the key to unleashing the latent potential that the internet harbours for bringing global understanding and social improvement. Given the universal challenges our world faces today, I hope my research will be a valuable contribution.

Oxfords dreaming spires seen from the north east